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Hot Deals: Things to know!

Welcome to the Hot Deals forum! This is your go-to place for sharing and discovering the best discounts, promotions, and bargains from retailers across the board. If you've found a deal that's too good to keep to yourself, this is the perfect place to share it with fellow bargain hunters!

Guidelines for Posting:

  1. Verify the deal: Make sure the deal is current and valid before posting.
  2. Provide details: Include the retailer name, item description, original price, discounted price, and any applicable coupon codes.
  3. Add a link: If possible, include a direct link to the deal.
  4. Specify any restrictions: Mention if the deal is limited to certain regions, time-sensitive, or has any other conditions.
  5. No referral links: Please do not post referral links or affiliate codes.

How to Format Your Post:

[Retailer Name] Item Description - $XX.XX (XX% off)
Original Price: $XX.XX
Discount: $XX.XX or XX% off
Coupon Code: XXXXXX (if applicable)
Expiration: MM/DD/YYYY (if known)
Link: [URL to the deal]

Any additional information or personal experience with the product

Remember, if you see a steal, share it here! Happy deal hunting, everyone!