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Sony BVM-HX1710N 4K TRIMASTER HX Monitor Black Friday Deal (2024)

Howdy people! I've got some incredible news to share – I just discovered an unshared black friday deal on the Sony BVM-HX1710N 4K TRIMASTER HX Monitor that's absolutely mind-blowing. You've got to take a look now before it's gone!

I've been using this monitor for the past year, and I'm so in love with it that I'm actually buying a second one with this deal. It's that good, folks!

sony bvm hx1710n 4k trimaster hx monitor black friday

Let me tell you, this monitor has completely transformed my workflow. As a colorist and editor, the image quality is simply unparalleled. The 4K resolution is crisp and clear, but what really sets it apart is the HDR capabilities. The way it handles highlights and shadows is nothing short of magical – I've seen details in my footage that I never knew existed before.

The color accuracy is spot-on, thanks to the TRIMASTER technology. I can trust that what I'm seeing on screen is exactly what my clients will see in the final product. It's saved me countless hours of back-and-forth revisions.

One of my favorite features is the customizable user presets. I've set up different modes for various clients and projects, allowing me to switch between color spaces and settings with just a click. It's a real time-saver when I'm juggling multiple projects.

I'm beyond excited to get my hands on a second unit at this price. Having dual monitors will streamline my workflow even further, allowing me to have my timeline on one screen and my color grading tools on the other.

If any of you have been considering upgrading your monitor setup, I can't recommend the Sony BVM-HX1710N enough. This Black Friday deal makes it even more appealing. It's a significant investment, but trust me, it's worth every penny for the quality and capabilities you're getting.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about my experience with this monitor. I'm always happy to chat about gear that has made such a positive impact on my work!

beier.paula, marks.toney, destany51, mayert.litzy, letha.brakus and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

I'm telling everyone I know about this. It's too good not to share!

uhodkiewicz, nelle48, daisy.bins and homenick.ayla have reacted to this post.