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Melissa & Doug Tummy Time Triangle Black Friday Deal (2024)

Guys, you won't believe what I just stumbled upon! I've found an absolute gem of a black friday deal that I just had to share with our little community here. It's for the Melissa & Doug Tummy Time Triangle, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for new parents. If you've been eyeing this, now's the time to feast your eyes on this!

I bought this for my little one a few months ago, and I've been so impressed that I'm actually grabbing another one with this deal. It's going to make the perfect gift for my sister who's expecting. Let me tell you why I'm so excited about this product.

melissa doug tummy time triangle black friday

First off, the Tummy Time Triangle is a lifesaver during those crucial developmental months. It's not just any old play mat - it's a cozy, padded haven that makes tummy time actually enjoyable for babies. I remember the first time I placed my daughter on it; her eyes lit up at the vibrant colors and fun textures. The mirror is a particular favorite - she'd giggle at her reflection for ages!

What I love most about this triangle is its versatility. As my little one grew, we found new ways to use it. The soft, crinkly flaps became a fun game of peek-a-boo, and the hanging toys were perfect for reaching and grasping practice. It's also incredibly durable - it's survived countless spit-ups and diaper mishaps, and still looks great after a quick wash.

The compact design is another huge plus. It folds up easily, making it perfect for trips to grandma's house or for storing away when you need to reclaim some floor space. And let's be honest, in a house full of baby gear, anything that doesn't take up too much room is a win in my book!

I can't stress enough how much this triangle has helped with my daughter's development. It's encouraged her to lift her head, reach for toys, and even aided in her early attempts at rolling over. Plus, it's given me some much-needed hands-free moments to grab a quick cup of coffee or answer an email.

So, when I saw this Black Friday deal pop up, I knew I had to spread the word. If you've been on the fence about getting one, or if you're looking for a fantastic gift for new parents, this is your chance! The price is seriously good, and trust me, it's worth every penny.

I'm thrilled to be able to get another one at such a great price. If you think it might be right for you or someone you know, don't hesitate to take advantage of this deal. It's not often we get such a great discount on a quality product like this!

kshlerin.tamara, zschumm, alan24, okub, mcglynn.bailey and 18 other users have reacted to this post.

You're the Sherlock Holmes of bargain hunting. Elementary!

zachery.prosacco, bill.barton, jalyn.mccullough, brice35, carol.king and 1 other users have reacted to this post.

I thought I knew how to bargain hunt, but you're on another level. and roosevelt.auer have reacted to this post.