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Holiday Shopping: Things to know

Welcome to the Holiday Shopping forum! Share and discover great deals and gift ideas for all major holidays throughout the year.

Major Shopping Holidays

  • Valentine's Day (February)
  • Easter (March/April)
  • Mother's Day (May)
  • Father's Day (June)
  • Halloween (October)
  • Black Friday/Cyber Monday (November)
  • Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa (December)

Deal Posting Guidelines

Please include:

  • Holiday relevance
  • Product name and details
  • Sale price and discount
  • Retailer name
  • The expiration date of the deal

Quick Shopping Tips

  1. Shop early for the best selection, late for the deepest discounts
  2. Use price comparison tools
  3. Look for bundle deals
  4. Consider experiential gifts
  5. Check for online coupon codes before checkout

Gift Idea Exchange

Share your creative and budget-friendly gift ideas for various holidays and recipients. Let's inspire each other to find the perfect gifts!

Remember to plan ahead and stick to your budget. Happy holiday shopping!