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Feedback is welcome!

Welcome to our Feedback & Suggestions forum! Your input is crucial in making Savvy Fridays the best deal-hunting community out there. We're eager to hear your thoughts, ideas, and experiences.

What We'd Love to Hear

  • Features you'd like to see added
  • Areas where we could improve
  • What you love about Savvy Fridays
  • Challenges you've faced while using the platform
  • Ideas for new categories or forums
  • Suggestions for community events or challenges

How to Share Your Feedback

  1. Be specific: Provide examples or details when possible
  2. Be constructive: Focus on how things could be better
  3. Be realistic: Consider what's feasible for implementation
  4. Be respectful: Remember there's a team working hard behind the scenes

Quick Tips for Effective Feedback

  • Start a new thread for each distinct idea or suggestion
  • Check if your idea has already been suggested and add to that thread if so
  • Upvote suggestions you agree with
  • Engage in respectful discussions about proposed changes

Your voice matters! Let's work together to make Savvy Fridays even more awesome.

Thank you for helping us grow and improve!