Affiliate Disclosure

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

On this website, I may periodically evaluate and mention products and services. If I find a product or service to be of high quality, and if the vendor offers an affiliate program, I may refer others to it via an affiliate link. This means that if you purchase through the link, I may receive a commission or other form of compensation. However, please note that this comes at no additional cost to you.

Certain products and links to external websites are affiliate links, and any purchases made through these links may result in a commission being paid to me. From time to time, I may also be compensated to provide my honest opinion on products and/or services. Rest assured, the inclusion of these links does not influence the content I provide, and I only recommend products and services that I genuinely believe will provide value to you.

Please understand that SavvyFridays is a for-profit business, and I do earn income from it. For simplicity, please assume that any product or service link on this site is an affiliate link and that I may be compensated if you decide to make a purchase.

This disclosure is made in accordance with the guidelines established by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to ensure transparency and trustworthiness.

Should you have any questions regarding this policy or any specific product or service mentioned, please do not hesitate to contact me.